We spend a lot of time thinking about how we are going to do this or that and searching for the best strategies or solutions to problems. Our very talented left brain gets a work-out for sure. Sometimes we forget what the right-brain can contribute.

Right-brain processes open the door to wisdom, ideas, metaphors and aha’s that you just can’t get to in a linear fashion. The next time you find yourself thinking hard and spinning your wheels, try one of these processes to get out of your head and open to something new.

  1. Create a Collage

It’s visual, it’s a tactile hands on experience, and if you let your intuitive mind guide you, it will yield surprises. Grab a few magazines, a pair of scissors and a glue stick and set aside an hour.

To use it for strategy or problem solving, consider choosing a focus or topic for your collage. For example: Collage your ideal client. Collage your big vision. Collage all the ways prosperity can flow in. Collage the relationship you want to have with money.

You get the idea. Once your collage is done, do some journaling about it. What do you notice? What is it telling you?

  1. Connect to Your Higher Self

Another great way to access your deep wisdom is to connect to with your higher self or quantum self. You can use a guided visualization or use a journaling process.

I love to use the non-dominant hand journal writing process. I’ll ask a question with my dominant hand, then switch the pen to my non-dominant hand to receive the answer. The conversation can go back and forth like that for as long as needed.

Be prepared for it to look messy – we are not used to writing with our non-dominant hand. You’ll want to interpret shortly after you complete the dialogue.

  1. Take an Earth Guidance or Medicine Walk

This is an opportunity to receive guidance and inspiration from the natural world. Find a place in nature for this walk. (it’s okay if it’s ‘urban’ nature.)

Begin with an open-ended question – something you want guidance about. Set the intention of receiving guidance.

Then walk. Hold the question lightly (meaning don’t dwell on it). Just notice what you notice. What catches your attention, what crosses your path. What do you see, smell, sense.

When complete, sit for a bit and when ready journal about what you experienced and how it relates to your initial question.

There are so many ways to step out of linear, logical, thinking mind and allow intuition and inspired guidance to work their magic. You will have more material for decision making and you’ll be surprised at the strategies that surface when you aren’t over-thinking!

Try one of these this week and see what happens!

About the author

Marcy Nelson-Garrison is all about transforming lives through products! She helps others create successful products, she sells products through her online store and she reviews products for Choice Magazine, the magazine of professional coaching. She is the founder of coachingtoys.com online store and PinkParadigm.com.

Contents of this article remain the property of the author and/or publisher.